Spatial Data Management

by Greyory Blake
USA, 2022
31 min

7. Oktober 2022 | 17:00

Stills aus Spatial Data Management

Over the course of a highly anachronistic written correspondence, a self-loathing property owner and self-righteous artist begin to question their notions of control within a system that's out of sync.
"Spatial Data Management" is a movie about objecthood, time, space, depth, interfaces, interaction, or impermanence, but not all concurrently.

Greyory Blake | Director
Ulla E. Straus, John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal | Music
J. Daniel Bickett, Kelsey Knotts | Voices

7. Oktober 2022 | 17:00

Spatial Data Management (US 2021) by Greyory Blake
The Library
(IL 2021) by Renana Aldor
A Potter's Field
(US 2022) by Zev Aaron
Exposed to Each Other
(AT 2022) by Mersolis Schöne
