Musik Theater Tage Wien



A music theatre talent show to mark the 100th anniversary of Giacomo Puccini's death

5 concert grand pianos!
5 pianists!
5 sopranos!
1 juror!

Who will be the new "Madama Butterfly"?

The host and juror of this musical theatre audition is none other than ... the son of Madama Butterfly!

Giacomo Puccini died 100 years ago and his opera "Madama Butterfly" premiered 120 years ago. The musicologist Antonino Titone described this opera as a "diabolical machine racing lazily along". Doesn't such a formulation remind us of ... our current state of the world? What would an attempt to brake such a machine sound like?

In this operatic palimpsest between verismo and psycho-drama, “The Butterfly Equation” Verismo uses Puccini's opera as an attempt to put the brakes on the world frenzy!

"Traces in the sands of time lead from the past to the present. The traces of art, on the other hand, come from the future."
- Thomas Cornelius Desi

Duration: 80 min.
Italian (with German translation via WebApp)

Libretto, composition and musical direction: Thomas Cornelius Desi
Scenography: Alessio Pizzech
Costumes: Susanna Fabbrini
With: CKE - Chigiana Keyboard Ensemble (Luigi Pecchia, Pierluigi Di Tella, Monaldo Braconi, Danilo Tarso, Francesco De Poli) - Olena Ertus, Laura Igl, Ami Mizuno, Anja Rechberger, Laura Thaller (sopranos) - Giuseppe Nitti (acting)
Assistant Director: Giovanna Spinelli
Production: Thomas Neulichedl

Tickets here & at the entrance.

Doors open one hour before the performance begins.
