Musik Theater Tage Wien

20.09. - 22.09.2024

20.09 | 19:30

21.09 | 19:30 

22.09 | 18:00 

Discursive music theatre for a participatory audience

In the third part of KOLLAPSOLOGIE - a "theatre of encounters" for an aesthetically active audience - Thomas Cornelius Desi takes the audience metaphorically under water, as he devotes himself to the element of air (!).  

DAS ATMEN DER OZEANE offers the voluntarily barefoot audience the opportunity to discuss the mythical micro-plastic continent "Atlantic Garbage Patch" and the aspect of "plastic" in our lives, before everyone sinks together into the depths of an imaginary ocean. 

In order to prepare for everyday life in the underwater world, those present will re-enact life situations while holding their breath, to which twelve new sonnets by Thomas Ballhausen entitled "Atmospheres" poetically invite them. As in the previous episodes, an ancient Greek philosopher is once again featured, this time Socrates and his singing wife Xanthippe. 

old timber to new fires
You break my heart/ and thus save my/ life/ teach me/ to breathe under water
while the floods rise/ heavy words/ heavy water/ conditions like without a costume
- Thomas Ballhausen

Duration: approx. 60 min.
: German
Note:The willingness to actively participate is part of the performance. Participation preferably barefoot.

EXTRA - Sunday, 22. September, 20:00Sinking in the Rain (ADMISSION FREE)
Short film and discourse evening on "KOLLAPSOLOGIE III: DAS ATMEN DER OZEANE

Artistic direction, music, staging: Thomas Cornelius Desi
Vocal lyrics: Thomas Ballhausen
Video work and device integration: Peter Koger
Underwater films: Mario Rott
Stage design: RUST - Laurenz Steixner & Markus Rupprecht
Performance: Romana Amerling (soprano), Roman Maria Müller (pantomime), Mario Rott (apnea diver), as well as the entire audience
Assistant Director: Jonas Nikolai
Production: Thomas Neulichedl

Tickets here & at the entrance. 

Doors open one hour before the performance begins. 
