Karlheinz Stockhausen: Sternklang

MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra



MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra

Artistic Director: Ajtony Csaba


Krisztián Gergye

Domokos Kovács

Csilla Gesztelyi Nagy

At night, in a park, far apart from each other, several groups of musicians play in the open air, and the source of their playing is the different constellations of the stars - this is the idea of ​​the German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen in his work Sternklang, written in 1971. This concept was redesigned for the rooms of the Reaktor by the MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra for the premiere in Austria.

Visually represented star constellations such as the Big Dipper, Leo, Aquarius or Virgo determine the composition: the composer reads the stars as scores and writes rhythms, timbres and melodies from them that influence the interaction of the musicians and their relationship to one another. Between the ensembles, "sound carriers" and "torch bearers" (dancers) bring and carry the sounds. The result is like a journey into a fairytale world of sound in which the boundaries between performer, audience, and environment blur and go beyond the concept of a traditional concert hall.

During the three-and-half-hour experience, which appeals to all the senses, the stargazing audience can freely choose how they want to inhabit this multidimensional experience space, from walking between the ensembles to watching from their seats.

The MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra was founded in 2007 by critically acclaimed graduates of the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts. The ensemble sees concerts as a total work of art and views historical music repertoire as an extrapolation of new works from our time. MIKAMO is not only dedicated to living composers and the repertoire of contemporary music, but also promotes artistic continuity in the sense of a Central European musical heritage by regularly performing in major concert halls in Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest and Central Europe in general.

The concert is organized with the support of the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sport and the City of Vienna Culture.

Tickets at the entrance | € 15,- / 10,-
Subscription advantage | Ö1 Club
Cash only

Doors open one hour before the concert begins.
